Infertility, Uncategorized

Day 3

well just a quick update as the side effects have kicked in big time a horrible stinky old headache I have been laying all day with a cool cloth on my head trying to ease it but no should luck so going to try to sleep and see if I can rid of it that way. Am not looking forward to work if I still have it, reading the computer with this head will not be good 😢 xx

11 thoughts on “Day 3”

  1. I had headaches with this drug too and the only way I got rid of it was to drink enormous amounts of water. Something like twice as much as usual so I suggest you try the same in case it makes a difference.


  2. are these side effects from IVF drugs?

    Which ‘formula’ have they got you on?

    My formula was 1 week of 200mg of Puregon, coupled with 4 days of orgalutran + puregon
    and then the trigger…

    I didn’t really have any side effects apart from sore legs and bloating


    1. Yes they are sadly I have had them before on my last cycles….
      I am on buserelin for 2weeks and then menopur will be added for another 2 weeks and then the trigger… Last time I think the headaches only lasted a few days x


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